Von Welch, Rotary Member

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Von will be sharing with us a little about himself and his career in computer security! Should be an interesting talk.  Thank you for sharing with us Von!

Kate Gazunis, Executive Director of the Bloomington Housing Authority

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Kate will update us on what is going on at the Housing Authority. She is retiring and I personally thank her for all she has done for our community. Incoming Director, Nathan Ferreira will also be joining us. Kate has made so many improvements since she has been at the helm.

Glenda Murray, Historian and member of the Bloomington Rotary Club

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Most of us know Glenda and her husband Patrick, but if not, this is a real treat to hear her share all of the rich history Monroe County has!  Her PowerPoint she will presenting is called, "Looking at Monroe County through the Indiana State Historic Markers."  I can't wait to hear her presentation.

Amy Swain, Monroe County Recorder

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Looking forward to hearing from our Monroe County Recorder. What does she do? What has changed over the years?

Cheryl Smith, owner Consider It Done Transition Services

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Cheryl has built her professional career around helping people make life transitions. She worked as a teacher and principal in the public schools for 20 years. She specializes in creating a personalized system for each one of her clients. Building a trusting relationship with her clients is what brings a joy and passion to her…

Cathy Smith, Monroe County Treasurer

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Cathy has been involved with in the Monroe County government since January of 2000. She served a four-year term as Monroe County's chief deputy auditor. In 2009 she started the first of two consecutive terms as county treasurer. After eight years as treasurer, Smith served as county auditor starting in 2016 before eventually again assuming…

Dr. Mark Dayton—–New President and leadership: “The Good” “The Bad” of it all when it comes to healthcare and medicine.

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

I asked Dr. Dayton to speak to us on what changes, etc. have occurred since the new administration has been in place and future changes per promises the new president has made.  Not getting into the politics of it all, Dr. Dayton will let us know the changes he sees and how it will affect…

Wayne Allbright –Stone Creek Ranch–

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Stone Creek Ranch is a full-service horse ranch that offers something for every horse lover - whether first-time rider or experiences competitor. The owners are Wayne and Jen Allbright. They offer lessons, leasing, boarding, training, and more!!! *45 acres of beautiful pastures with a creek running through each *12 miles of on-property trails *22 acre…