Calendar of Events
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Eric Spoonmore, President & CEO, Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce
Eric Spoonmore, President & CEO, Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce
Eric will share with us what they are working on at the Chamber. Thank you for taking time to speak to us Eric!
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Amy Swain, Monroe County Recorder
Amy Swain, Monroe County Recorder
Looking forward to hearing from our Monroe County Recorder. What does she do? What has changed over the years?
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Dr. Scott J. Shackelford, JD, PhD-Provost Professor of Business Law and Ethics, Indiana University Kelley School of Business
Dr. Scott J. Shackelford, JD, PhD-Provost Professor of Business Law and Ethics, Indiana University Kelley School of Business
Thank you to Von Welch for securing this speaker! Dr. Shackelford is going to share with us about Bitcoin and Web 3.0/blockchain. I personally know nothing about it but hear about it all the time. I can't wait to hear him speak to our club!
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Sydney Zulich (David Weber is sick with covid-will reschedule!)
Sydney Zulich (David Weber is sick with covid-will reschedule!)
She is the youngest council member ever. She serves as the Representative for Council District VI.
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Cheryl Smith, owner Consider It Done Transition Services
Cheryl Smith, owner Consider It Done Transition Services
Cheryl has built her professional career around helping people make life transitions. She worked as a teacher and principal in the public schools for 20 years. She specializes in creating a personalized system for each one of her clients. Building a trusting relationship with her clients is what brings a joy and passion to her…