Von Welch, Rotary Member

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Von will be sharing with us a little about himself and his career in computer security! Should be an interesting talk.  Thank you for sharing with us Von!

Amy Swain, Monroe County Recorder

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Looking forward to hearing from our Monroe County Recorder. What does she do? What has changed over the years?

David Weber, Musician Airtime Studios & Acoustics

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

A graduate of IU Jacobs School of Music Recording Arts program, David Weber has been recording and producing music since first encountering a four track cassette recorder in the early…

Cheryl Smith, owner Consider It Done Transition Services

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Cheryl has built her professional career around helping people make life transitions. She worked as a teacher and principal in the public schools for 20 years. She specializes in creating…