Field trip to Tim Ellis’ Car Collection

The collection consists of a 1925 Model T Ford Touring, 1930 Model A Cabriolet, 1937 Ford Club Cabriolet, 1949 Studebaker Land Cruiser, 1950 Chev pickup, 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook, 1965 Mustang convertible, and 1979 VW Cabriolet.

Ryan Zaricki – Nicaragua service trip with CoCoDa

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Ryan Zaricki and Bryan Hane just got back from a week service in Nicaragua with CoCoDa. Come and learn about this amazing project and cultural exchange that they were able to be a part of last week.

Monroe County Humane Association w/ Andrew Krebbs

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

For the love of animals! Join us on the 24th to hear Andrew Krebbs, Executive Director share what is happening out west at the Monroe County Humane Association. A very busy place for sure!

Stephanie Shelton, Cancer Support Community South Central Indiana

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Please join us when one of our own, Stephanie Shelton will give us all the details of the upcoming 25th Hoosiers Outrun Cancer event on Saturday, October 5th and why this event is so important to be a part of.

Tom and Mary Hodson, Shelter Box Disaster Relief

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Coming all the way from Champaign, IL, Tom (Ambassador) and Mary Hodson will be presenting their cause, ShelterBox Disaster Relief, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.  "No family without shelter" Let's give them a warm Rotary welcome for  coming so far to share their mission.

Rev. Forrest Gilmore, Beacon Inc.

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Rev. Forrest Gilmore is Executive Director of Beacon Inc., a solutions-driven organization for people experiencing extreme poverty in Bloomington, Indiana. Beacon is a vital, leading, compassionate 501 (c) (3) organization which aids and empowers those experiencing need with a full range of support services to reduce hunger, poverty, and homelessness in the community we serve.…

Andrew King, Wildlife Biologist

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Andrew King is a bat expert! He works at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Bloomington. He also helps conserve endangered species and comply with the endangered Species Act (ESA) with over three decades of experience applying ecological science to solve complex environmental planning and regulatory compliance issues.  I am looking forward to hearing…

Class 101 College Planning, Bloomington, IN Owners: Randy & Kim Stegemoller

Crazy Horse 214 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN, United States

Randy and Kim will tell us about Class 101. Their mission is to empower students, serve families, and inspire greatness. Knowing that applying to college can be overwhelming, which is why we strive to make this process enjoyable for families. They navigate the complex, multi-year process by working one-on-one with students as early as their…